Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-1201 PROTOCOL (Excerpt) – Dewgro American

Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-1201 PROTOCOL (Excerpt)


2.8. Sizes and Occasions for Display. 

Sizes, types and occasions for display of the United States Flag are as follows:

2.8.1. Installation/Base United States Flag. The flag is a lightweight nylon bunting material, 8 feet by 17 feet, and is only displayed in fair weather from an installation flagstaff. This is the typical flag used at Air Force installations. 2.8.2. All-purpose United States Flags. The all-purpose flag comes in two materials: A flag of lightweight nylon bunting material, 5 feet by 9 feet 6 inches, replaces the base flag during inclement weather. It is also used for outdoor display with flags of friendly nations in foreign dignitary arrival ceremonies. A flag of rayon bunting material, 3 feet by 4 feet, is used for outdoor display with flags of friendly foreign nations in arrival ceremonies or to indicate joint occupancy of a building by two or more countries. They are also commonly used as the flag presented at retirements.

2.8.3. Ceremonial Flag. This flag is rayon or synthetic substitute material and is 4 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 6 inches. The flag is trimmed on three edges with yellow rayon fringe 2 inches wide.

2.8.4. Organizational Flag. This flag is rayon or synthetic substitute material and is 3 feet by 4 feet. It is trimmed on three edges with rayon fringe 2 inches wide.

2.8.5. Interment Flag. This flag is 5 feet by 9 feet 6 inches of any approved material. The interment flag is authorized for deceased military personnel and for deceased veterans. To receive a flag, fill out the VA Form 27-2008, Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes, and take it to any VA Regional Office or United States Post Office. Drape this flag over a closed casket.

2.8.6. Retirement Flag. The flag may be either 3 feet by 4 feet or 3 feet by 5 feet. Members retiring from the Air Force are entitled to presentation of a United States Flag. Base Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funds are authorized for this purchase. For details, refer to AFI 65-601V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures.

2.8.7. Automobile Flags. Automobile flags are not used in the Air Force. The following is provided as information for Protocol officers operating in a joint environment. There are two sizes for automobile flags (United States Flags), each with specific uses. The 12-inch by 18-inch flag is trimmed on three sides with yellow fringe, 1 inch wide. It is displayed with the individual automobile flag of the President and Vice President of the United States. The 18-inch by 26-inch flag is trimmed on three sides with yellow fringe, 1 inch wide. It is displayed on government automobiles of individuals who are authorized positional colors.

2.8.8. Garrison Flag. Made of approved materials, 20 feet by 38 feet. The flag is flown on holidays and special occasions and can be substituted with the installation flag.